Honda Cadet Exhaust for 2016 chosen by ABkC

ABkC chooses 2016 Honda Cadet Exhaust from DEP Pipes

DEPExhaust2 DEPExhaust1After extensive evaluation the ABkC has chosen a new Honda Cadet exhaust for 2016 from DEP Pipes.  The new exhaust may be used from 1 January 2016 and will be mandatory in the class from 31 March.  The DEPHC1600 exhaust plus the mandatory heat guard DEPHG16#01 together will retail at £110.02 plus VAT and will be available from DEP Pipes, the main engine preparers, Project One and Zip Kart.  DEP Pipes has an exclusive agreement to supply the sole exhaust for Honda Cadet for three years.  MSA has given approval for the replacement exhaust in the class.

The ABkC has been seeking a replacement exhaust in the class for over a year as forewarned in all the 2015 ABkC Newsletters.  The reason for the change is to save competitors evaluating different Honda exhaust for performance or reliability, or having their exhaust professionally de-baffled.  It is well known that the standard exhaust suffers from naturally occurring heat damage. The evaluation included performance and sound level; parity with the current exhaust; that the exhaust cannot be easily modified; there is no significant weight increase; each exhaust is consistent providing the same power and to reduce the risk of burns.

DEP Pipes are a professional and reputable motorcycle exhaust manufacturer.  The exhaust will come with a limited 12 month manufacturer’s guarantee and any quality issues will need to be reported to DEP with proof of purchase, driver’s details, proof of racing (MSA or certain IKR circuits) where the issue arose together with pictures and a written report or preferably the return of the product for evaluation. The heat guard may be purchased separately as a spare part.

The exhaust will not be permitted in Honda Junior or Senior in 2016 but its use for 2017 will be evaluated. A formal bulletin will be issued for the Honda Cadet class regulations.  The 2016 Honda engine Technical Regulations, which are having a thorough re-write to include the use of new scrutineering tools,  will be available by the middle of December.

Further inquiries can be made to DEP Pipes, Buckland hill, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 0SQ.   Tel +44 1622 765353  Fax +44 1622 765353 Vat No GB205211034