As discussed and planned at the AGM, The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Association of British Kart Clubs (ABkC) met with Senior members of the MSA yesterday to discuss the way forward with Karting in general. Â Particular emphasis was placed on entry level “Grass Roots” club racing, the future of ARKS, retaining customers, licencing and cost.
Our clear mandate was to impress to the MSA that clubs and club level karting was in crisis and a simplified route into the sport at this level was required.
Discussions centred around having a simplified rule book, a simplified judicial system and easy access into a club’s normal club race meetings. It was suggested that these powers while under the MSA’s ‘umbrella’ should be devolved to the ABkC/Clubs. Clubs to be more in control of their management of Club meetings that fall into the Clubman permit brackets.
The negotiations proved very positive and work is now to begin by both sides on preparing the ground for these plans to be put into action.
The ABkC will propose a simplified rule book and consider how best to allow flexibility on getting ‘day karters’ to participate in club racing (Club officer to review driving standards/ability, Club Scrutineer to confirm general kart/engine conformity and PPE compliance) and then allow that driver to race at your club on the day. Under the suggested title of “ClubSport” this would lead to a relaxation of defined equipment regulations which could race in Libre Classes with a much wider range of older Karts & engines allowed to participate at MSA level.
The time scale is short and it is hoped that the ABKC proposals can be presented to the MSA in the next 6 – 8 weeks, with a view to allowing the MSA to work through and adapt what we currently have into the new format, in time for implementation in 2018. We both felt that there was a quantum change in the attitude of the MSA. The net result of which can be nothing but positive, furthermore we must take advantage of this new situation without delay!
There was discussion, in brief about the future direction of the ABkC & whether the Association needed a new focus & possible re-branding. The feeling was that re-branding should only take place when and if there was a new and modern focus for what could be the MSA’s approved management sub-group. There is a need to encompass Clubs, Technical Department, Representation from the Industry, Drivers, Safeguarding, Teams and Officials. In other words the “whole” spectrum of kart racing in the UK. The new organisation would become more involved & responsible for the training & behaviour of all the above, reporting directly to the MSA.
A name for this much broader organisation – BRITISH KART RACING ASSOCIATION – more details to follow.