Ram Air in gearbox – amendment re-instated

Message from Motorsport UK dated 1.2.19 – see our Regulations page for the amendment

Dear All,

Following the recent communication concerning the deferment of the banning of ‘ram air’ intakes on gearbox karts, the situation was reviewed in detail by the Kart Technical Sub-Committee – as the group responsible for regulations in the Karting UK Yearbook – at their meeting yesterday afternoon. We can now confirm that the decision was taken that the ban originally publicised in April last year will remain. Accordingly the attached amendment to Appendix 3 of the Karting UK Yearbook is reissued. For the avoidance of doubt, this applies to all gearbox karts – short or long circuit.

During the review by the Sub-Committee, all factors were considered carefully – in particular safety, cost and complexity – as well as all of the views expressed during the recent long circuit stakeholder meeting which led to the temporary deferral. Following this analysis, it was clearly established that the technical development of ram air effect intakes is not in the best interests of the category. It was judged to be an unnecessary cost and complexity, all of which will inevitably be borne by the competitor for no overall advantage to the category as a whole. Additionally, with no regulations concerning the design and installation of such devices, there was some doubt over the ability to ensure adequate safety. In line with our goal of making racing safe, fair and affordable – as much a possible – the Kart Technical Sub-Committee took the unanimous view to uphold the decision that was agreed early last year. It was accepted as unfortunate that there was apparently a lack of clear communication of this to everyone at the time, this is acknowledged and we are looking for how to ensure communications are universal moving forwards.

Please ensure that this information is distributed to your members in the way that you feel most appropriate.

Best Regards,


Joe Hickerton

Technical Manager