Tal-Ko complete investigation on illegal engine tuning

Tal-Ko Racing, controllers of the Formula TKM classes, have completed their investigations into illegal modifications discovered being carried out on some  TKM BT82 engines used within the class.

The results conclude that the work carried out to cylinder barrels and some pistons was carried out by Paul Scothern who operates from Little Tennis Street, Nottingham under the business name MRM Performance Engineering.

Mr Scothern has openly admitted to TKM chiefs Alan Turney and Grahame Butterworth that he carried out the illicit work, clearly not permitted under Formula TKM regulations.

Mr Scothern claims that all customers knew of the ‘procedure’ being carried out, however a number of those using illegally modified engines have categorically denied being told anything done was not permitted.

Mr Scothern was offered the chance to close the matter honourably by signing an agreement but he has taken the decision not to do so. So to bring the situation to a close Tal-Ko are carrying out the following:

  • Placing a lifetime ban on him from being served with any products from Tal-Ko.
  • Asking the Association of British Kart Clubs to make all members aware of the situation and look at banning him from circuits.
  • Asking the organisers of the Super One race series to not allow him any passes to allow admittance to their events.
  • Seeking the assurance of the British Kart Industry Association that they will not allow his membership.
  • Asking the Motor Sports Association to take note and take action.

Explained TKM Co-ordinator Grahame Butterworth: “Thanks to some swift work all round by ourselves and scrutineers we are confident this has been stopped in its tracks and illegal engines identified. In 20 years of the TKM class this is the first time such action has been detected and action taken. We want everyone to see that we absolutely stand by our promise of providing fair and even racing.

“We are concerned that Mr Scothern saw nothing wrong in deliberate cheating and even promoted such on his business cards together with the promise of confidentiality. We promised to name the guilty party and we have done so.”

Tal-Ko are still offering free checks on any engine taken to the factory for inspection. And if illegally modified will provide replacement items at 40% off up until the end of January 2015.