ABKC – Association of British Kart Clubs in the UK

Karting is a most exhilarating activity, yet a family sport. It’s fun, it’s cool, kids can start racing from the age of 8 in Cadet, Bambino from 6. Almost everyone can race, some at 60 or more.

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All ABKC clubs must run their meetings according to the regulations set down by Motorsport UK. The officials and all safety regulations must conform to the current Yearbook, and class technical regulations in the Karting Yearbook.

The Association of British Kart Clubs (ABKC) was formed in 1990 to act as an interface between kart clubs and the sports governing body, Motorsport UK, with whom there is a high degree of discussion and co-operation. The clubs are represented by the ABKC Steering Group which is elected each year during the A.G.M. held each year. Over thirty of the kart clubs in the United Kingdom are members.